Sunday, March 8, 2020

Week Four 4/4

Schedule Change!

     After all of the hard work I had done to get my calendar ready it had to be changed. Even though I told all of my actors (friends) to try to follow the schedule as strictly as possible, one of them had forgotten to tell me that they were not going to be present during the filming week because he was going to be out of town. This has now set me back an entire week and I need to find a way to solve it. That is why I made this week “props'’ week along with one filming day. Furthermore, after I found out that my actor was not going to be able to film, I tried to film all the scenes that didn't involve him. Sadly, he is the main character and is basically needed in all scenes, but nevertheless, I was still able to record the reporter scene which involved Nicole only. Additionally, during this week I made the microphone box, which was necessary for the reporting scene, and I also planned on how I was going to get an old television for the last closing scene of my movie opening. Overall, this week didn’t go as planned on the schedule but it was for sure not thrown away. Scroll down to take a look at the updated schedule. 

    As seen above, the week of March 9 is going to be the new filming week. Following that, the week of March 16 is going to be the editing week. After that, the week of March 23 is going to be divided into two, the first half is last-minute filming and the second part is last-minute editing. And lastly, the week of March 30 is reserved for the reflection. 

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